Skepsos's skepsis


Posted in gender, Skepsos by skepsos on March 6, 2010

The killing of transgender people shows that a ‘man’ in a dress apparantly is felt to be a bigger threat than war and poverty.

3 Responses

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  1. Tip said, on March 6, 2010 at 22:58

    Agreed. Well…”agreed”. You know what I mean.

  2. michaeleriksson said, on March 7, 2010 at 11:29

    For lack of context, I cannot make a definite statement; however, may immediate reaction is that you overlook other factors, notably that humans tend have a great inborn aversion to those who are odd or strange—and that they delight on picking on those they perceive as weak.

    In depressingly many regards, we are just monkeys with an over-inflated self-image.

    • skepsos said, on March 8, 2010 at 03:12

      Yes, we are monkeys from birth, but education can make us do great things!
      For example: it can teach us to learn how to see things in perspective…
      And not immidiately act on impulse, and kill people we think of as ‘weird.’

      That’s what I was trying to say in this post: see things in perspective.
      It’s rediculous (and unjust) to see how in the USA in 2009 there was more debate on gay marriage than there was on the war in Iraq…

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